There are many choices of colleges out there and you don't know which one you want to go to. You might think one college is good for you but you’ll never know if there another college out there good enough for you. So with this it is good to go to a college fair. At a college fair you could find a lot of information about a college that you might be interested in or find another college that you never knew about that you like.
Well at a college fair you meet different college representative. The college representative will tell you all about the college and will answer the questions that you might have about it. So when you go to a college fair it is best to have questions about what you want to know about a certain college. It is also best to research about colleges that you would want to go. So when you go to fair you know where exactly where you want to visit. When you done visiting the colleges that you were interest, you would go to other and learn about the college that is out there.
So going to a college fair will help you find out information college and what the expect from you and it is best to visit them when you are in freshman or sophomore so you’ll know what the college are looking for and you will know what you need to do to get into that college.
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Monica. This is very interesting! :) What if the college you are interested in is not at the college fair? I think going to a college fair is one of the best ways to choose a college. It allows you to speak with someone who is attending or working there.
OMG!! college fair, very interesting. But how many colleges are there, at that college fair, and that you are looking for just one of them and its not there. great jOb! :) whooo!!
well this was really interesting on planing to goto a college but you could not find it at the college fair but can look it put on the internet.yea this helps me out alot...thanks..
hella good!
this is really good job and very interesting? so r you planing to go to college when to get out of high school.. good job
good summary
Good summary so do you plan on going to college after high school?
verryyy goood summaryyy!!
So where do you plan go
attending college? ha.
Good job;)
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